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How To Make Beeswax & Natural Mineral Oil Polish (Board Rub)

Board Care

I'm going to show you how you can make your own Beeswax & Natural Mineral Oil based board rub at home, this is very similar to the one we use and is fun to do.

What you will need:

  • One small food tin with label removed, like those you get baked beans in
  • A clean & empty jar - Top tip, don't use an old pickle jar or it will overpower the beeswax smell!
  • Beeswax beads
  • A foodsafe natural mineral oil
  • A heat source & small source pan - Natural Mineral Oil & Beeswax chopping board cream

Let's start by boiling some water in the pan and then loading the heat so it's not boiling anymore.

Next simply put the mineral oil and the beeswax in the tin & place the tin into the small pan. If it's floating and won't stay stood up the pan may be too big, you can place some other empty tins around the oil and wax tin to keep it upright. - Natural Mineral Oil & Beeswax chopping board cream

When the wax has melted in the oil it will look nice and clear, pour this into your jar and allow to cool, as the board rub cools it will turn cloudy. Give it an hour to cool properly & then it's ready for use! - Natural Mineral Oil & Beeswax chopping board cream - Natural Mineral Oil & Beeswax chopping board cream

To apply board rub just grab a clean cloth, grab a generous amount of your new beeswax & natural mineral oil polish and start rubbing this into your board to add a little shine and an amazing smell to your wooden kitchen utensils and personalised chopping board.

Now go grab a cool beer or glass of wine an celebrate a job well done! - Salad Servers

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